
Bristol Business School & Law

Located in the heart of Frenchay Campus, the Bristol Business School building was opened in 2017 and offers an innovative way of studying and working - with new social and learning spaces to allow students, staff, and business people to work more closely together and make valuable new connections. From our £55 million investment, we have a 17,200m2 space serving 5,500 students and containing 148 offices over seven floors.

布里斯托商學院大樓位於Frenchay Campus的中心,於 2017 年開放,提供了一種創新的學習和工作方式--新的社交和學習空間讓學生、員工和商務人士能夠更緊密地合作,並創造有價值的新的連接。 通過我們 5500 萬英鎊的投資,我們擁有 17,200 平方米的空間,為 5,500 名學生提供服務,並在七層樓內設有 148 個辦公室。

布里斯托商學院的設計以實踐為導向的學習處於最前沿。將學習場所與專業營業場所相結合 - 一個體現我們學生畢業後可能會去工作的專業環境類型的空間。

該建築包括:兩個展示法庭、彭博社交易室、300座演講廳、兩個哈佛演講廳、技術增強型主動學習 (TEAL) 教室、靈活的社交學習空間、外部業務參與空間、商業團隊創業計劃的孵化器和輔導空間、三個研究中心(領導力、法律、金融和經濟)和研究小組、免費商業和法律診所、一個中庭和咖啡館,有一個室外區域、供企業和合作夥伴用於活動、會議、培訓和會議的空間。

Accounting and Finance

Our courses include: Accounting and Finance, Fintech and Risk Management and Insurance.

Business Management

Our courses include: Business Management, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Human Resource Management, Events Management and International Business.


Our courses include: Economics, Banking and Finance, and Business Management and Economics. Find out why you should study Economics at UWE Bristol.


Our courses include: Marketing, Digital Marketing, Events Management and Marketing Communications.